Beer Mile: The FilmPremieres worldwide on our YouTube Channel on 12/22/2024 at 4:00:00 PM

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Loughborough, United Kingdom

Loughborough AC Chunder Mile 2007



4 pints, 4 laps

The Chunder Mile consists of 4 pints and 4 laps with the first pint being consumed before the running of the first lap. Its the event for all hardcore athletes and drinkers, combing pure athletics ability with ultimate dowing skills and even the ability to be sick and get it all out quickly! Its also much more hardcore than the American equivalent - the Beer Mile which involves 4 small cans! Slight variations of the conventional chunder mile include the custard mile and the gravy mile.

A pint is a standard UK pint i.e. 20 fluid ounces / 568mililitres and they must be finished before starting the next lap and spillage is strictly not permitted but participants are allowed a helper who passes the next pint to them. The current world record is 5.08.7mins set by Chris Parr from Loughborough Uni.
