Beer Mile: The FilmPremieres worldwide on our YouTube Channel on 12/22/2024 at 4:00:00 PM

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Kirkland, WA

1st Annual Finn Hill Summer Beer Mile Classic


+6 athletes
Seven athletes competed, including the Finn Hill Winter Champion, but only one walked away with the trophy. Jay "Not So" Hasting the former champ struggled early on until finally puking after the 3rd lap and limping across the finish line in last place for the males. Johnny Rotten, a full-time Steve Prefontaine worshiper and part-time creepy mustache guy, dramatically improved his winter performance and came in fourth. Dana McCracken, the good doctor and crowd favorite, only managed to come in third--he blamed his lack-luster performance on the estrogen supplements he has been taking to improve the suppleness of his skin. Kirkland had it's first female athletes compete this year, Christine Tubetop and Anna Bartlett. The Tubetop DNF'd while Anna Bartlett gave a respectable performance; speed may not have been her forte' but grace on the field certainly was. In the end, it came down to a contest between Leo "The Lioness" and the reluctant first-time competitor Chad Bartlett. After being dragged down to the track Chad was not eager to begin the race. The Lioness took a half a lap lead from the start; hopes of a win were dim. But with dogged determination, faith in God, and a superior drinking ability, Bartlett overtook The Lioness in the last quarter lap to walk away with a victory and new course record.
