Beer Mile: The FilmPremieres worldwide on our YouTube Channel on 12/22/2024 at 4:00:00 PM

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Bowling Green, VA

1st Annual Eakolokowski Cross Country Invitational


A true cross country course, with leaves 2 feet deep in places on the trail, and 1 tree hop. A card table full of beer was set up in the middle of the yard, next to 2 piles of dog shit. Only 2 competitors showed. The course was measured beforehand, with GPS, and flagged with orange tape. Walking the course just before the race to show the competitors indicated the course was probably more like 0.3 miles instead of 0.25. Oh well, better to be long than short.

Bob's race report:
First Ever Beer Mile. At the Eakolokowski Cross Country Invitational. Tough course! Fun times. First beer went down rough - had to stop twice as I felt my gut filling with air. Had this problem with all others as well. Managed several good burps during every lap. Felt quite good within 10 minutes after the race. Got lost on the first lap, 3 different times, but managed to locate that orange tape very quickly, and get back on track. Pounded that last beer, once I caught my breath. Total time: 11:47.

Matt's race report:
First attempt at a beer mile. ~.25 mi cross country course through forest on my property, measured with GPS and Google myTracks. Beer of choice, Bud Light. No shot-gunning, chugging only. Beer 1, crushed it, 12 seconds. Lap 1 resulted in a short stoppage due to being lost.... on my own trail! Realized after lap 1, that beer 2 would not be going down as quickly. Hard to chug when you're breathing heavily. Nearly 1 minute for beer 2. Lap 2 was interesting. I looked back to judge my lead and tripped on a small stump. Face first into the leaves. Scraped up my knee and elbow a bit, but got back up and maintained the lead through beer 3 and then lap 3. On beer 4, my competition stomped me. He downed the beer like a champ, while I started heaving up every gulp I took. I choked down as much as possible, but counted it as a reversal of fortune and took off for lap 4 and a penalty lap. Total time 14:45.

Racer: Matt Bob
Beer1: 0:12 0:26
Lap 1: 2:14 2:09
Beer2: 0:48 0:50
Lap 2: 2:16 2:14
Beer3: 0:58 1:06
Lap 3: 2:16 2:13
Beer4: 1:21 0:48
Lap 4: 2:17 2:02
Lap 5: 2:15
