Beer Mile: The FilmPremieres worldwide on our YouTube Channel on 12/22/2024 at 4:00:00 PM

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Middletown, CT

NESCAC Intra-Squad Qualifier II


+7 athletes
"Solley and Moss are in, Dan Mays showed his stuff and Taylor shocked the crowd with four beers, two laps, and one boot of amazing stuff. The crowd tonight was larger than anticipated with more soccer bravehearts trying their hand at the chunder...and failing (but props to them). Eric...if it twer a Dubra mile you'd be the top, but the suds did you in. Congrads to all who are done with their thesis...I'm going to chug some gook right now for yallz. I think the team as of now is ... Laz, me, Solley, Moss, Mays, Netto, Sv (but AC may have to replace SV becuase after talking to him earlier this week, I don't think SV can be counted on to show up) althought there will be more qualifiers run on sunday and monday so this is all subject to change. To those who are in - start thinking of the pride on the line that you will be defending in one week. To those who may still make the team - happy chundering."To gook and advil,Wes
