London, United Kingdom
Beer Mile World Classic Men's Championship: *Corey Bellemore WR, Brandon Shirck US Record, Dale Cluttebuck, Euro Record
Chris Robertson was DQ'd...he was over the limit of beer. Helluva Race, but just over. Dale Clutterbuck is from England ....Official Time 4:47.39 #3 All-Time....English and Euro Record. Brandon Shirck is from the USA ...He ran 4:49.28....American Record, #5 Time ever. The following folks had PRs that put them high on the all-time list:
Charlie Blanch, Australia: 5:23.36
Finn McNally, England, 5:21.48
James Thompson, England 5:26.99
Nick Finch, Australia: 5:27.94
Chris Hepworth, England, 5:32.90 (from open section)
Tyler Deniston, Scotland, 5:47.86 *National Record
Konrad Knutsen, USA 6:11.89 (from open section)
Paul Miller, England, 6:13.67 (from open section)