Beer Mile: The FilmPremieres worldwide on our YouTube Channel on 12/22/2024 at 4:00:00 PM

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Platteville, WI

2004 natiionals


dude, i waas just typing up results, and it sent me back to the begginning. anywya, to make a longstory short. dan and i headed back to the house, and we odn't know whteree hteer rest of our teqam went, they were headibng toward, donwntpnw, but it was ,like 4:00 at night, so nothing was open. but , yeag tguis us obnem of the dru8nkest i've ever beeen,, as you can te=lll. i eraan like shit, i don't knnow if it's because of sigttining in the hot sun watchiing nagtiionals, but hopefuullym, i'klll get anogthe3r chance at this tommorrow at ww, 'cause i talked to ruffalo and zawelewsk9, an di i guees that theyrre yavvgubg oone tommoroow.. anywaaty. i'll gbive her a try i9b iyyr ssokuts,,,,m , here we go..
